Cover art for the ebook A Shock to the System, volume one of The Chance of a Realtime.

The story text of Chapter Three: Drafted is currently available exclusively in a KDP Select title (the ebook A Shock to the System) for users of Amazon Kindles and Kindle apps everywhere.

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Drafted offers a sample of what being shanghaied by denizens of the 25th century can be like.

Image gallery for Drafted

Wire-frame side-view of a huge time-traveling spacecraft from the future

Above is a wire frame side view of the Pagnew time-traveling vessel, rendered in 1990 by 3D computer software available at the time.

Wire-frame top-view of an immense time-traveling spacecraft from the future

Above is a top view of the Pagnew (again in wire frame) by 3D software from 1990 (the odd stains or wrinkles and such stem from aging of the original print-outs).

A 3D view of a flying remote transport station belonging to a time-traveling vessel.

A 3D view of one of the Pagnew's flying remotes (roughly the size of a 20th century car). You didn't ride inside it, but stood on (or sat upon) the slanted platform encircling the thing. Nearer the top was something like a handrail. However, as riders were either androids or crew members wearing fourth skins, these weird accommodations didn't cause much problem. For either the androids or the fourth skins easily stayed attached to the remote during transport, in one fashion or another.

An angled 3D top view of an enormous time-traveling ship from the future

Above can be seen an angled top view in 3D of the Pagnew.

A 3D angled bottom-view of a gargantuan time-traveling ship from the future.

Above can be seen an angled bottom view in 3D of the Pagnew.

An angled 3D side-view of a humongous time-traveling craft from the future.

Above is an angled side view of the Pagnew from above, in 3D.

Copyright © 2004-2012 by J.R. Mooneyham. All rights reserved.