Cover art for the ebook Deep in the Throat of Texas, volume three of the Shadowfast supercar driver logs.

The story text of Heartbreaker is currently available exclusively in a KDP Select title (the ebook Deep in the Throat of Texas) for users of Amazon Kindles and Kindle apps everywhere.

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Heartbreaker: She was an irresistible force of nature neither man nor machine could deny. A woman who truly bordered on the supernatural. She (not me!) pilots Shadow during an unexpected highway deathmatch. Shadow also races a 1970 Ford Torino GT 429 Cobra Jet.

Image gallery for Heartbreaker part two

Bridget Dufay (beautiful blonde woman wearing a dress with legs crossed)

1970 Ford Torino 429 Cobra Jet

Trailer park

The scene above resembles the Texas park where I shared a trailer with Bridget in the 1970s-- though our main drive was graveled rather than paved, and the individual home lots weren't quite so spacious.

Old college dorm hallway
Above is a view of a college dorm hallway virtually identical to those I roamed during the timeframe of this story.

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