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Miscellaneous links possibly related and useful to low cost health and medical care, but as yet unorganized

Please consider this list to be 'raw'; that is, not all of the sites will necessarily be good and valuable links for the purposes of this site. Some of the links may end up being discarded later for reasons of broken URLs or others. I include them here because (A) this is a handy place for me to personally check them out when I get the chance and (B), where some of the links do prove valuable, having them here gives YOU the earliest possible access to them. I've included my personal first impressions on various sites too, where available.

Med students thrive in virtual classroom
Antibiotics in infancy may double asthma risk
Stroke deaths dropped after folate added to food - Yahoo! News
Hot pepper kills prostate cancer cells in study - Yahoo! News
Malnourished means obese as much as emaciated UN - Yahoo! News
To head off allergies, expose your kids to pets and dirt early. Really. - Yahoo! News
Too much or too little sleep increases diabetes risk
Changes in habits can do more good than sleeping pills, researchers say
Tiny water purification packet helps save lives worldwide
Loneliness may be hazardous to your health
Simple idea to dramatically improve dengue vaccinations
The Case Against Vitamins
New membrane technology offers cheap drinking water from seawater
Weekly religious attendance nearly as effective as statins and exercise in extending life
Research shows adults and teens who eat beans weigh less
Wide variety of physical activities may protect teens against risky behavior: Study
Antioxidant tempol prevents pre-eclampsia, decreases fetal mortality in mice
Remedies Swimmer's Ear Easily Fixed With Right Treatment - New York Times
Fish oil may help protect against retinal degenerative diseases
Cohabiting is bad for women's health - but not men's
Healing honey The sweet evidence revealed
Salt substitute significantly reduces hypertension amongst rural Chinese
Acupuncture shown to relieve migraines study - Yahoo! News
Dash of bleach boosts cancer vaccine - News
Acute Stress Boosts Flu Shot Response in Women, Small Study Finds
Chocolate milk could be key to longer, healthier life - The University of Auckland
Study confirms oral contraceptive-migraine link - Yahoo! News
Grape Juice Good for Aging Brain - Yahoo! News
Top Ten Houseplants for Cleaner Air
Portable med-library in a crate for use in developing world
Medical Library in a Box
Where There Is No Internet Delivering Health Information via the Blue Trunk Libraries
Coffee May Spell Heart Trouble for Some - Yahoo! News
Two-minute test could prevent needless caesareans - Breaking News
Cholesterol-lowering foods most effective when combined, U of T study
Soy protein, almonds, plant sterol enriched margarines, oats and barley among most effective foods
Major WHO study concludes calcium supplements can reduce complications during pregnancy
Vinegar increases killing power of bleach
acidified diluted bleach will virtually kill anything in 10 to 20 minutes
Eighty percent of all the diseases you could name would be wiped out if you just gave people clean water
Iodine deficiency is the world's leading nutrient deficiency. It affects more than a 1.5 billion people
Gum chewing helps bowels after surgery study - Yahoo! News
Green tea may protect the aging brain - Yahoo! News
Bottled Water Isn't Healthier Than Tap, Report Reveals
Bottled Water Isn't Healthier Than Tap, Report Reveals
Eating chocolate may halve risk of dying - Breaking News
Chocolate Linked to Lower Blood Pressure - Yahoo! News
Low-tech garment holds promise in preventing maternal death related to childbirth
In a seven-year study of mice they found that those with the highest metabolic rate lived the longest
Antibiotics linked to huge rise in allergies
Asthma has increased by around 160 per cent globally in the last 20 years
Once you are done with the antibiotics you are not finished...You need to recover from the treatment itself
Antibiotics may raise asthma risk
Yahoo! News - Allergies May All Be in the Gut, Study Finds
antibiotics could be to blame
Figs may inhibit growth and survival of harmful microbes in food
antibiotic use may help promote the development of certain respiratory allergies
Yahoo! News - Salsa Spice Fights Bacteria, Study Finds
Aspirin Is Seen as Preventing Breast Tumors
White tea beats green tea in fighting germs
Carbon monoxide from smoking helps keep arteries open following angioplasty
Eating some types of fish during pregnancy may protect baby from future asthma
Zinc Therapy Accelerates Recovery From Pneumonia
Compound in salsa may fight food poisoning
Yahoo! News - Study Says Worms May Help Bowel Disorders
Yahoo! News - Vitamin D Deficiency Called Major Health Risk
many cancers...seem to increase the farther you get from the equator, where exposure to ultraviolet light from the sun is greatest
recommends exposing the hands, face, arms and legs to the sun for five to 15 minutes a day a few days a week
Temper Tantrum Can Lead to Heart Woes, Study Shows
Anger linked to stroke risk in men
Hostility Can Hurt the Heartbeat
Older adults who describe themselves as spiritual but not religious are more likely to appraise their health as good
Do We Need Love as Much as Sex and Food
Drink to your health
New guide for patients admits that best treatment is often no treatment at all
Curing medical myths
Diet of worms can cure bowel disease
Yahoo! News - Painkillers May Ward Off Ovarian Cancer
painkillers such as aspirin, ibuprofen, Celebrex, and Vioxx might help prevent ovarian cancer
The experts say the form of the vitamin found in almonds shows the greatest benefit
Yahoo! News - Study Housework, Walking Lowers Cancer, Death Risk
Exercise improves cancer survival, reduces cancer risk, scientists say
Researchers Diet a significant factor in reducing risk of three common cancers
Top doc backs picking your nose and eating it
Yahoo! News - Exercising to Music May Make You Smarter
Boost your brain power
Scientists formulate a heat wave survival guide
Health food store recommendations could be bad for your health
Manual, low-tech method for 2nd trimester abortions found safe and effective
Researchers urge caution over using ginseng in early pregnancy
Now on CD, an Inexpensive Method of Genetic Testing
Could diabetes treatments fight cancer?
Yahoo! News - Drinking doubles risk of colon cancer among men report
Smoking linked to osteoporosis in women
Study Never too late to change diet
'The Miraculous Fever-Tree' Bark of the Cinchona
Hormones and drugs that control blood pressure also control malaria infection
The life-prolonging effect kicks in immediately, continues as long as the diet, and is lost as soon as the dieting stops
Cranberry component linked to reduced stroke damage
Wild flower 'may treat cancer'
Learning skills greatly limits stress for family caregivers, says Stanford study
Study finds music can ease labor pain
Herb extracts wrap up lethal food bugs
Vitamins might be bad for your health, study says
Participation in a cognitive activity for 1 day per week is associated with a 7% reduction in the risk for developing dementia
Mind Games May Trump Alzheimer's (washingtonpost.com)
Experts bristle at toothbrush misuse
consume more of the unsaturated fats found in olive oil, nuts and fish
brushing too hard can damage teeth and gums
'Reverse CPR' performed on back could better restore blood flow
Toothbrush study finds less is more for preserving teeth and gums
strong relationship between high levels of fungus in the household and...increased...lower respiratory tract illnesses, including croup, pneumonia, bronchitis, and bronchiolitis
The average American consumes the equivalent of nearly two teaspoons of salt every day
Hidden Salt Gives Diners A Taste of Hypertension
Diagnosing chronic fatigue? Check for sinusitis
Behavior Tools to Help Prevent Bedwetting
many injuries are the result of quick twists of the vertebrae
Short gaps between pregnancies linked to complications
Leaky when you laugh cough sneeze
Yahoo! News - Scientists Analyze Anti-Malarial Chinese Shrub
Technology with Social Skills
Around the globe, 55 million people are blind, two-thirds because of cataracts
sell intraocular lenses for $4, vs. more than $100 in the U.S
high-end hearing aids, which sell commercially for $2,000 to $3,000 each, for $45
Chinese herb reveals vital malaria weakness
Yahoo! News - Light, Aromatherapy Help Dementia Patients
Lemon Balm Odor Tames Agitated Oldsters
MrsSurvival Women helping women survive in the real world.
Survival and Disaster Preparedness Sites
Evidence shows that aspirin can prevent heart attacks, strokes...as well as bowel, lung and breast cancer, cataracts, migraine, infertility, herpes, Alzheimer's disease
Free Wheelchair Mission
Ingenious spare-parts wheelchairs for the world's poorest nations
Acupuncture points to post-op comfort
Yahoo! News - Acupuncture Shown to Relieve Post-Op Nausea -Study
it's well known that people who feel vigorous and in a good mood score better on tests
Music of any kind usually improves mood of college students
Is Sex Necessary for Good Health
National Coalition for Adult Immunization
Adult Immunization Schedule
Highly active compound found in coffee may prevent colon cancer
Heavy alcohol consumption linked to colorectal cancer
Infant Study Links Antibiotics and Asthma
Yahoo! News - Magnesium in Diet May Alter Heart Disease Risk
Yahoo! News - Stimulating Environment May Curb Schizophrenia
What You Don’t Know About Your Family’s History Could Kill You
People who have caught hepatitis A may be protected against asthma
Exercise-Crazed Mice Are Poor Thinkers
NIH told regular and moderate exposure to sunlight is the key to preventing chronic disease
Cats May Prevent Allergies In Kids
Yahoo! News - Parents Key to Reducing Childhood Obesity-Report
Yahoo! News - Make Your Kids Wash Their Hands
Handwashing CDC - An Ounce of Prevention Keeps the Germs Away
Exercise for elders It's never too late
False Beliefs Threaten Cancer Patients - Survey
Box Wine Unoxidated wine as medicine
Working out may keep breast cells working well
Deadly decision Where should baby sleep
Sage herb 'can boost memory'
Ancient herbal rival for the pill - www.theage.com.au
Plant-based pharmaceuticals may yield cheaper drugs but critics worry about the havoc they may wreak on public health
Yahoo! News - U.S. Study Shows Vitamins Save Health Care Costs
Give vitamins to the elderly
When every minute counts
Potential Cause Of Arthritis Discovered: Carbohydrate Activates Body's Defenses, Causing Inflammation
LABX.COM Used Scientific Equipment and Laboratory Instruments
Pill-splitting can yield cost savings on common prescription drugs, Stanford researchers find
Just a minute Bystanders may identify stroke symptoms in 60 seconds
Slashdot An Affordable Air Purifier For Dusty Computer Labs
Physical activity reduces risk for heart attack and death in men with diabetes
Food Ingredients First Nutrition, Ingredients and Foods Online
Zap Dirty Dentures- Two-minute Microwave Treatment Kills Bad Bacteria
'drinking two glasses of red wine a day can cut the chance of having a stroke by 20% and a heart attack by 50%'
A drug-free wrist device that relieves morning sickness without harming mother or baby
Yahoo! News - Volunteer Work Rejuvenates Seniors
Yahoo! News - Coughing hard at the first sign of a heart attack could a save patient's life
Heart attack symptoms Fatigue, nausea
red wine, peanuts, may extend life
Curcumin may be an inexpensive, well-tolerated, and effective therapy for inflammatory bowel disease (spice turmeric)
Smaller food portions may explain the 'French paradox' of rich foods and a svelte population
NutritionData's Nutrition Facts Analyzer
Herbal Contraception in Ancient Times
Oral Hygiene May Help More Than Teeth and Gums
Why Hospitals Overcharge the Uninsured
The full rates uninsured people end up paying are usually vastly inflated from the actual cost of providing service
In 1993 the U.S. General Accounting Office reported that 99 percent of hospital bills have overcharges
services that weren't actually given, markups, duplicate billings and charges for unnecessarily long hospital stays or unneeded services
uninsured residents...were charged an average 139 percent more than the charge insurance companies ended up paying for the same services
virtually all hospitals overcharge the uninsured
Sauerkraut contains anticancer compound
Dietary component kills bacterial cause of ulcers and stomach cancer
Eating soy during adolescence may reduce breast cancer
Caffeine 'lotion' protects against skin cancer
Cervical cancer vaccine 100 per cent effective
Doubt over diets to beat cancer
Cancer cell study revives cellphone safety fears
aggressive, preventive anal cancer treatment |
New cervical cancer test 'worse than old one'
Blood Test Could Spot Colon Cancer March 14, 2003 091421
Cancer therapy may offer lupus patients new hope
Sonography is more accurate imaging test for detecting breast cancer in young women
Dietary change may prevent the most serious form of prostate cancer
Use of vitamin A cream may prevent skin cancer
role of obesity and calories in cancer prevention
Australia Tan Implants May Help Prevent Skin Cancer
New cervical cancer test 'worse than old one'
'One-stop' approach works well for cervical cancer prevention
Blood Test Could Spot Colon Cancer March 14, 2003 091421

Diarrhoea may protect against colon cancer
Tamoxifen’s benefit greatest for preventing hormone-dependent breast cancer
Pitt transplant researchers say anti-rejection drug rapamycin may help lupus, some cancers
Cancer therapy may offer lupus patients new hope
Coffee and Caffeine's Frequently Asked Questions

Spouses Often Mirror Each Others' Health
Being Social Keeps Mind Sharp
Traditional healing may relieve symptoms of mental illness
Passion Pays - work at a job you are passionate about is better
Journaling can help after trauma
A Green Tea Extract Could Help Alleviate Shortage Of Livers Available For Transplant
Tea pill
Meditating may be hazardous to your health
Virus beats food bug
Snoring Linked To Headaches
Scientists discover unique source of stem cells
baby teeth stem cells
U of MN study finds bile acid reduces apoptosis
Bright Light Exposure Increases Male Hormone
Last Aid Manual
Botox could break the pain barrier
How can you deal with serious depression in just a day?
'Irish coffee' injection prevents stroke damage
The elusive preeclampsia factor discovered
BIDMC researchers identify source of preeclampsia
Family history has limited predictive value for asthma risk
Herb Offers Hope to Africans Ravaged by Malaria
Functional MRI evidence that acupuncture modulates the limbic system and subcortical gray structures of the human brain
Taking painkillers during pregnancy increases risk of miscarriage
Music Therapy Aids Cancer Patients
they shouldn’t just be ignored because they were writing centuries ago
To Banish Aches and Pains, Get Straight, Teaches a Postural Therapy Called Egoscue
Carotene, Vitamin E Don't Prevent Heart Attacks
To Dodge Heart Disease, Eat Like an Ape
Currently, only one in 10 victims of cardiac arrest survive without serious brain damage
New frog skin treatment for burns
Alcohol found to lessen women's diabetes [11jun03]
A herb used in China for centuries may help stroke patients suffering from dementia
Mom's care changes baby's genes for better, study hints
Healthy diet now, saves on health care costs later
Vehicle traffic associated with increased carcinogen levels
New herbal drug therapy effective in treating vascular dementia
For centuries, the herb Chinese gastrodine has been used in China to treat disorders such as dizziness, headache and even ischemic stroke
Parkinson's disease linked to high iron intake
Nursing a Healthy Practice (washingtonpost.com)
Many Moons Washable Pads
Green tea boosts antimicrobial properties of toothpaste
Low-dose diuretics are the most effective way to treat hypertension
Few microbiological differences in households using antibacterials
New herpes treatment from common herb
Eat Your Whey It May Protect Against Prostate Cancer
Chemical in Broccoli Blocks Growth of Prostate Cancer Cells, New Study Shows
Fears over UK vaccines after US reports link to autism
Setting boundaries between work and life helps families thrive
Study Shows Newer Epilepsy Drug Has Worse Side Effects Than Older Drug
Sticky plant sap linked to African child cancer
Can allergies be triggered by detergents, perfumes and glues?
heart attack, stroke prevention guidelines
Study Prenatal screening in Haiti region cut syphilis by 75 percent
High-fat diet protects newborn brain from seizure damage, study suggests
News for every parent Ways to protect your infant from sudden death
The spice of life Antibody cocktail targets deadly foodborne germs
Anti-bacterial powder could disinfect food
A 'spice' that may help save lives
A burger with tomato and peppers, please - hold the microbes - smh.com.au
Healthlink Home Page
Hospitals Finding Alcohol Gels Clean Better Than Soap (washingtonpost.com)
Better Eyecare Could Save Poor Billions, WHO Says
Food Scientist Developing Wine-Based Disinfectant
Bat bite packs clot-busting potential for strokes - Jan. 9, 2003
Vampire bat bite packs potent clot-busting potential for strokes
'Good fungus' fights African poisons
carbon monoxide has therapeutic benefits
Animals use nature to heal themselves
Acoustic technique could disinfect medical instruments without heat or harsh chemicals
Lichens surprisingly precise air quality monitors
An ounce of prevention
'Mind trainer' helps wheelchair girl walk
Protecting Teeth With Bacteria That Bite Back (washingtonpost.com)
balancing vibrations and more
Brain electrodes cure obsessive patients
Life under fluorescent light is harming prisoners and staff alike'
Walking on shaky shoes
Lichens surprisingly precise air quality monitors
Whisky cure after anti-freeze error
Air ionisers wipe out hospital infections
Drinking water can help your diet
Don't eat soya if you're pregnant
Don't eat yellow worms
Superbug killer found in rockpool - Feb. 27, 2003
Lead by example to get your kids to eat right, experts say
How inner-city supermarkets can turn a profit and improve their customers' health
Nutrition services are an essential component of school health programs
Internet helps bring nursing services to cash-strapped schools
Researchers find little benefit to toilet training before 27 months of age
Growing Evidence That Commonly Used Medicines May Delay Or Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease
Sugar-Based Therapies Could Prevent Damage From Kidney Failure
Leg maneuver may prevent fainting
Plant Compound Kills Brain Tumor Cells
Multivitamin Use During Pregnancy Cuts Childhood Tumor Risk Botox cure for urinary incontinence
old house may put its occupants on path to good health
Snail venom heralds new era of pain treatment
Examining the healing mystery of Aloe
Soy-Based Infant Formulas May Hinder Immune System May 21, 2002
Painkillers may prevent broken bones healing
Ozone Could Sanitize Foods Better Than Washes Do
Whisky cure after anti-freeze error
Grape Seed Extract Help Speed Up Wound Recovery, Study Suggests
Listening To Music While Working Out Helps People With Severe Lung Disease Improve Their Fitness Levels
'leeches can cure anything from glaucoma to infertility'
Swaddling may help sleeping babies remain on their backs
study indicates promise of Chinese herbal medicine in treatment of chronic hepatitis B
Dental x-rays may detect potential for heart attack, stroke and death
Training improves cognitive abilities of older adults
Low cooking temps may equal high health - Nov. 12, 2002
Acoustic technique could disinfect medical instruments without heat or harsh chemicals
Grape Seed Extract Help Speed Up Wound Recovery, Study Suggests
Study: Leave most kids' tonsils in
Plant Compound Kills Brain Tumor Cells
Controlling blood pressure early prevents heart disease in elderly
Acetaminophen may protect against heart damage according to Rutgers research
Exercise lowers levels of blood estrogens
milk a fungicide
Solar-powered surgery may save lives Low-cost reminder helps prevent infections for heart patients
Drink can improve health of Third World
Sugar-Based Therapies Could Prevent Damage From Kidney Failure
Traffic noise 'harms' child health
Complex physical learning may compensate for prenatal alcohol exposure, study shows
Potassium-rich foods can help offset high salt diet contribution to osteoporosis
Nasal antibiotic ointment reduces infection risk after surgery
sunflower seed cure
Neglected Diseases and the Health Burden in Poor Countries
Fever Reduction May Be Key to Combating Malaria
majority of hand cuts don't need stitches
Licorice Extract Wipes Out Gram-Positive Bacteria
Saving lives with white roofs

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All text above explicitly authored by J.R. Mooneyham copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 by J.R. Mooneyham. All rights reserved.
Anything you see below this point was put there by a content thief who stole this page and posted it on their own server.