Cover art for the ebook Sirens, volume one of the Shadowfast supercar driver logs.

The story text of Slip, Sliding Away is currently available exclusively in a KDP Select title (the ebook SIRENS) for users of Amazon Kindles and Kindle apps everywhere.

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Slip Sliding Away details the days the author's car Shadowfast served as a mud-wrestler and surfer rod. Shadow got his first blacked out treatment then. Plus raced a GTO, and helped rescue damsels in distress.

Web site image gallery for part two of Slip, Sliding Away

Lindsay Finch, pretty young redhead in a green bikini.

Lindsay Finch, hot young redhead in a green bikini, reclining.

Lindsay Finch, pretty young redhead in a green bikini, looking back.

Head-on front view of a 1964 Pontiac GTO with a sunset for a background

Head-on front view of a 1964 Pontiac GTO

Three quarter front view of a 1964 Pontiac GTO

Three quarter front view of a 1964 Pontiac GTO

Rural race course

The pic above shows what maybe 50-60% of this particular race trek looked like in daylight.

A daylight example of the view from the parkway.

This photo showcases the type of daylight views available from the parkway described in this story.

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