Cover art for the ebook Nowhere to Go But Up, volume five of the Shadowfast supercar driver logs.

The story text of Nowhere to Go But Up is currently available exclusively in a KDP Select title (the ebook Nowhere to Go But Up) for users of Amazon Kindles and Kindle apps everywhere.

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Nowhere to Go But Up: Shadow's leap into history. Historic cover-ups, that is. Saving a V.I.P. from kidnapping or worse leads to a parting of the ways for me and Shadow. We both retire from the supercar business after this.

Image gallery for part one of Nowhere to Go But Up

Above a front three-quarter view of a gorgeous 1961 Chrysler 300 G such as I believe stunned me in the seventies with its speed and handling prowess.

The tail end view of the near real life Batmobile you could buy off a show room floor in 1961. To see more about my true life recollections of this car and its junkyard brethren CLICK HERE.

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