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An outline of subsequent legends, events, and/or claims possibly relevant to the ultimate destiny of a prehistoric civilization based on the southeast asian peninsula as described here, from 22,097 BC to the present day (the early 21st century AD)


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[Caution: Speculation ahead]

Approximately 22,000 BC: The losing side in the peninsula civil war salvage what they can and flee to safer regions; one of the larger factions founds the Rama Empire, in the deep mainland

Remnants of the outgunned remainder of the peninsula city-states steal what technology they can from the medi-state and flee the peninsula, to several different regions (there are arguments among their ranks as to the relative safety and strategic value of different locations).

Some portion of these refugees apparently (and eventually) form a state someday to be known as the legendary Rama Empire. The Rama Empire is purported by some sources to have first begun around 24,000 BC. A 2000 year or so discrepancy in dates for such distant events is not incongruous with their antiquity. Plus, the dating in the legends might be pretty accurate after all if it is referring to the approximate date of the founding of the peninsula city-states from which the Rama Empire may have sprang, rather than the time afterwards when the peninsula peoples may have parted ways.

-- AR10: Could the Ancients Fly? ["http://atlantisrising.com/issue10/ar10ancientavi.html"] by David Childress, Atlantis Rising; An Article In Issue Number 10 (Winter 97)

Eventually, the myths tell us, the Rama Empire (various city-states governed by Priest-Kings, and based in northern India and Pakistan) will be using and perhaps creating flight-related technologies and others.

The most powerful city-states of the Rama Empire are said to have been known as the "Seven Rishi Cities", and at one time will possess "Vimanas", or aircraft usually resembling large, multi-story flying saucers, complete with windows and topped off with a dome, which fly at speeds comparable to the wind (this makes them sound like 20th century airships or slow propeller aircraft) and issue a musical sound as they pass by. Other variations of the craft will be long and cylindrical (another similarity to 20th century airships).

-- Ancient India ["http://www.crystalinks.com/india.html"], including the section The "Vimanas" or Flying Machines of Ancient India By Mukul Sharma - The Times of India - April 8, 1999; ANCIENT AND LOST CIVILIZATIONS; CRYSTALINKS

It would appear that the pace of technological innovation among the peninsula peoples slowed tremendously in the aftermath of the war in which they essentially took control of the peninsula itself. Indeed, in some ways their technology seems to have substantially regressed.

Some slowing would make sense, as civilizations in general, as well as biological systems themselves, seem to require a respite on occasion-- especially following unusually high stresses or large changes in their environments. The peninsula victors would need time to consolidate their hold on the peninsula, and rebuild/recreate the administrative infrastructure of the lands. They might wish to improve upon the physical infrastructure of the region as well, with various of their new technologies and knowledge.

And their technologies would require some slowing of the pace, just so the people themselves could gain better comprehension and control of the new forces at their disposal. There would be many new concepts to learn, organize, and experiment with post-war, among the incredible new developments the peninsula victors' OM AIs were ordered to produce during the conflict. Many of these were set aside, unused, for various reasons during the war; afterwards the victors would want to re-examine many of them at leisure.

From recorded history we know that states like Japan and Germany required several decades to return to full strength again after WWII ended in 1945 AD. And this was with the benefit of great largess from external sources like the USA, and practically clean slates politico-economically speaking, from which to begin again. Japan and Germany had also already been industrialized nations before the war; so they enjoyed far less culture shock in the rebuilding than many peninsula city-states might, as they are pulled from something akin to ancient Greece in technology and knowledge to something like 21st century technologies, at a highly compressed rate. There is also the healing of 1860s Civil War scars in the United States of America to consider, which could be argued required more than a century to complete. Undergoing all these simultaneous transitions successfully for the entire peninsula (which, keep in mind is roughly equivalent to Europe in land area), could easily require a couple centuries or more. And the hostilities with the Ramans which crank up at some point, as well as efforts to build up trade with the rest of the world, could have drawn out these matters still more. It's likely that the government and society of the peninsula underwent several important changes over this time.

Apparently one of the biggest changes in the peninsula society was a general recoiling in horror from many of the excesses of the war, with one result being a major restructuring and retrenchment in their technological base. Much of the most terrible technologies previously developed were banned, with various related records and works destroyed. All known OM vats were broken, with their liquid brains spilling onto the ground. Great attempts were also made to rectify some of the calamitous injuries done to citizens, but mostly to no avail.

And so the people of the peninsula turn away from much of the new technologies which helped them conquer the land. This is a turning point in human history. For if the people had continued on the technological path taken during the war, the future of humanity would have been dark indeed. Too much power would have been enjoyed by too few over everyone else, and virtually every person born afterwards would have lived the lives of slaves-- or worse.

The aftermath of the war left the peninsula sorely depleted in population, but stories of the war terrified mainland peoples for decades, and thus discouraged them from invading the peninsula. And even where some aggression did take place the peninsula people still retained more than enough technological superiority to repulse such forays.

The peninsula people did not give up all they had learned from their civil war-- only those parts they regarded as too dangerous to keep.

The peninsula's new masters during this time eventually construct the mightiest fleet of sea-going vessels the world has ever seen. Over a matter of centuries they travel the world, mapping its every corner accessible from the ocean. Their primary naval competitor of the period is the great populous state of the currently dry East China Sea bottoms, who possess arguably the best natural harbors and sea ports in the world. The sea-going peoples of the region are the predecessors of the Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans who will exist in the 20th century. Though there are occasionally clashes between the two, for the most part only peaceful trade (with a competitive edge) takes place between them, for many centuries.

Sea level rises spurred by the meltdown of the Ice Age sometimes occured rather suddenly, surely making for catastrophic ends to some prehistoric peoples and their coastal settlements. Perhaps the final such sudden rise was of several meters around 5500 BC, followed by a subsidence in levels afterwards to that approximating 2000 AD.

Sundaland is one way the now sunken portions of the south east asian peninsula is referred to today. Stephen Oppenheimer theorizes that the inhabitants of Sundaland were making use of stone to grind up wild grains as far back as 22,000 BC-- far ahead of better known places such as in the Mid-east.

Oppenheimer believes the people of Sundaland spread across Asia and the Pacific as their homeland drowned.

One legend has Manu Vaivasvata leading a people up rivers in India to Saptasindhu to escape the flooding.

The Sangam [poet's academy] of the Tamils of India is said to have remained in continuous existence for 10,000 years, with its center moving with the Tamil capital three times due to rises in sea level. The Tamil also claim they lost much land to rising seas-- a region they call Kumarikhandam.

It appears the caste social system of India is deeply entrenched in its history too, for various reasons.

-- Atlantis in the Indian Ocean ["http://www.swordoftruth.com/swordoftruth/archives/byauthor/koenraadelst/aaitio.html"] (Review of Stephen Oppenheimer: Eden in the East, 1998/1999) by Koenraad Elst; Sword of Truth; found on about 11-28-00

Southeast Asia 25,125 BC-13,875 BC Contents

Approximately 18,000 BC- 14,000 BC: The masters of the peninsula possibly rename themselves the Asvin; they utilize obsolete bits of Kerguelen knowledge to build their own airships from scratch, and create a long-lived secret society to work against the Kerguelen

By fortuitous circumstance a handful of Asvin elite gain possession now of a few highly advanced spacecraft originally a part of the Kerguelen fleet. Unfortunately, the craft cannot be used except under extraordinary circumstances, or their rightful owners will bring the wrath of the gods to the Asvin. The last of a long line of the crafts' caretakers (descendents of the original human societies befriended by Kerguelen mutineers) make certain the new owners learn everything they know of the Kerguelen and these craft.

The new Asvin owners are shocked and amazed at what they learn from the caretakers and the displays onboard the ancient but still (for the most part) functional spacecraft. This tiny group of Asvin immediately form their own closed society to guard the secret of the fabulous vehicles now in their possession. The caretakers are full members of the newly formed club, and set out teaching the Asvin how to pilot and maintain the craft.

The Asvin face a multitude of other problems at this time, but are successfully prodded by the caretakers and the awesome Kerguelen technology they've seen to realize they represent the most advanced human civilization on Earth of the time, and so may be the only substantial obstacle to the possible Kerguelen domination or destruction of humanity. Their secret society formed to build upon the Kerguelen technology to eventually make humanity equal or superior to the Kerguelen may well begat many different secret societies over the generations, all or most themed to act as the guardians of humanity against various unknown and mysterious threats.

Among that tiny number of societies truly in the know about the Kerguelen threat, an important tenet is that the existence of the Kerguelen must be kept from humanity-at-large for as long as possible, to postpone any ultimate direct confrontation with the Kerguelen, and allow humanity itself the time to develop technologies equal to or better than the Kerguelen. The Asvin realize it is unlikely that the Kerguelen will allow humanity to match or surpass their technology, so the Asvin pursue a dual track in their goals: one, keep the mass of humanity ignorant of the threat and thus perhaps safe from extermination any time soon by the Kerguelen (while also creeping ever closer to Kerguelen level technologies) and two, establish in the darkest secrecy a multi-generational project to locate and assimilate the best technologies devised by humanity as a whole into a myriad of devices and capabilities to act as the spearhead of an assault and/or last resort defense for humanity if and when the time ever comes. The Asvin-spawned secret societies would also pursue their own independent research efforts to improve and expand upon such assimilated technologies, and combine them with what could be learned from the Vailixi-K.

But this plan demanded a much larger control over and surveillance of world-wide humanity than the Asvin presently possessed, as well as a much more developed and widespread economy. In the views of these Asvin, the Earth and humanity required a complete reorganization. And somehow the Asvin themselves had to escape their current high profile on the planet too, in order to have any chance at successfully carrying out their long term plans against the Kerguelen.

Over a period of years the Asvin secret society devises a plan meant to resolve many outstanding issues all at once. But it will require much preparation.

Among other things the Asvin scour the Kerguelen ship databases for ways to build their own flying craft from resources unlikely to draw the attention of the fleet. And thus the main Asvin airships are born. The Asvin also discover other promising technologies ripe for exploitation from the Kerguelen archives. Many of which required resources to put them to use which were far beyond what the tiny group of Kerguelen mutineers and their human friends could muster in millennia past.

The Asvin of course possess another possible technology base to draw upon: the forbidden technologies from the civil war of their peninsula, now many millennia past. Seeking out that knowledge and any remaining devices from that period however is nearly as problematic as utilizing the Kerguelen spacecraft. For the Asvin nation as a whole has practically enshrined within itself the belief that those forbidden technologies were evil and dangerous beyond belief, and only the worst kind of criminals would purposely seek them out once again. In other words, in the common Asvin perspective of the time, anyone seeking out the banned knowledge was considered at minimum mentally deranged or foolish, and at maximum an extremely dangerous enemy to all humanity. Note the pickle in which this placed the society in their struggle to prepare humanity's defenses as they also could not alert the general populace as to the threat's true nature or identity.

However, despite all this (over time) the society will successfully manage to locate and salvage a considerable amount of what remains of the forbidden knowledge and artifacts on Earth, to add to their potential arsenal. The society loots various secret or forgotten caches of the items, effectively consuming or dis-assembling and studying those items deemed most important, better hiding some of them than their original owners, and destroying certain items considered too dangerous even for planetary defense. Along the way the society also experienced their own share of accidents and calamities with the technologies: but fortunately these incidents usually occured far from population centers, and were suitably contained in their impact on the environment and future (they also did not attract the attention of the Kerguelen monitors).

One result of this extensive but covert salvage operation of course is the further lessening of chances that much later humanity would accidentally happen across any advanced relics from the peninsular civil war.

The new secret society in the years following decide to risk distributing the minimal information required to build primitive aircraft among the best builders in their land, to encourage them to design and construct a fleet of utilitarian craft which may outdo their Rama and East China Sea bottoms competitors, but hopefully not provoke the ever watchful Kerguelen.

In one demonstration of an actual Kerguelen spacecraft in action to the builders' leadership (carefully timed and orchestrated to minimize the risk of detection by the Kerguelen) the secret society inspires the builders to immediately began working with the new information to build a new flying fleet of trade vessels.

On rare occasion other brief demonstrations or showcases of the Kerguelen spacecraft are made to select Asvin leaders, to maintain the momentum of the new aircraft projects. Word of the fantastic capabilities and potential of the spacecraft and the new vessels under construction spread. In this way and others do the two become confused by many people. Namely, the Vailixi (the term by which the advanced Kerguelen spacecraft are initially known to a select few) become mixed up in most people's minds with the far less capable and more numerous aircraft being built throughout the land. In truth there is no comparison; the Vailixi and their vastly more primitive knockoffs are worlds apart in their capabilities. But shrewd secret society members and various Asvin leaders nuture the confusion to their benefit, thereby intimidating their enemies and magnifying their reputations in a most cost-effective manner.

To reduce the confusion here, I will refer to the two types of vessels via different names: the Kerguelen-built Vailixi, and the Asvin-built Vailixi. Or Vailixi-K and Vailixi-A.

The Vailixi-A appear to first begin construction around 18,000 BC. These aircraft are likely built at secret airship construction hangars deep within China, rather than on the peninsula itself. Why? Secrecy, plus the location of the special materials and skills required for their construction, could be a couple of reasons.

The Kerguelen fleet of course scrutinizes the new Asvin airships from afar (when they appear), but as they do not employ any obvious and modern Kerguelen technologies, they do not capture or destroy them.

However, the appearance of the Asvin and Rama empires by this time has drawn the general attention of the fleet Kerguelen. They do not interfere with the cultures overtly at this time.

The Asvin closely guard their secrets of flight

The swelling fleet of Asvin airships made for vast expansions in world exploration and increases in trade with other nations. The Asvin capacities for flight left those who witnessed it in awe of them, and led to the creation of some myths and legends regarding the ships and men of the sky. However, there were far fewer witnesses to Asvin airships in action than might be expected. Why? The strategic advantage flight gave the Asvin was considered a national treasure. Plus, key Asvin were well aware that the technologies they were using were relatively primitive methods drawn from the databases of the Kerguelen spacecraft, and could be readily copied by other peoples once certain details became available to them. Therefore the techniques and technologies involved were closely guarded secrets. For reasons like this the Asvin did most of their flying at night, often landing their airships on the sea before dawn. They often would not go airborne directly from a sea harbor either, but instead use mechanical means to move the ship over the horizon before taking flight. The sea-going airships did make for a strange sight-- but not nearly as strange as observing one in flight would have.

The capacities of the airships combined with the more conventional Asvin naval fleets makes for a robust combination. No longer does there exist a peer to Asvin commerce or military power worldwide. No one can transport trade goods faster, further, or more reliably than the Asvin from this point on. And, on rare occasion, especially acute crises can be met near instantaneously with the presence of a true Kerguelen spacecraft-- a vessel no other peoples on Earth can match in speed or firepower.

These capabilities help swell the fortunes of the entire peninsula.

This state of affairs gradually draw the peoples of the East China Sea bottoms into an alliance with the Rama Empire.

Southeast Asia 25,125 BC-13,875 BC Contents

Approximately 18,000 BC- 9,000 BC: A group of islands exist now outside the Strait of Gibraltar which could help spawn the later tale of Atlantis as described by Plato

Do the Asvin build and maintain a sizable hub of commerce among these islands, sometime during this period? It's possible. Perhaps even likely. For here at the mouth of the Mediterranean would be one very appealing place from which to trade with all the civilized peoples living on this end of Eurasia, at this time.

The islands will be drowned by rising sea levels, and completely submerged, by 9,000 BC.

Jacques Collina-Girard puts forth the idea that the Atlantis myth was based on an island situated near the western side of the Strait of Gibraltar in prehistoric times, prior to the end of the Ice Age causing the sea to rise and drown the island, around 9000 BC.

Ice Age ice melted at different rates at different times, making for different rates of sea level rises over time. Ice melt proceeded at only a couple feet per century early on, but up to 12 feet a century later.

Between around 9300 BC and 9000 BC, sea level may have been rising at around 8 feet every 100 years.

-- Search for "Lost" Atlantis Centers on Strait of Gibraltar; The Record, Bergen County, New Jersey; January 4, 2002; National Geographic Society; nationalgeographic.com

Southeast Asia 25,125 BC-13,875 BC Contents

Approximately 17,000 BC: Antarctica: In less than a couple centuries air temperatures rise as much as 18 degrees Fahrenheit, causing global sea levels to rise substantially

In the vicinity of Antarctica around 17,000 BC air temperature rose as much as 18 degrees Fahrenheit within a matter of decades. Global sea level suddenly rises dramatically around this time as well. This warming may be the final straw bringing the glacial period of the time to an end.

An only slightly less powerful and fast rise in temperatures occured around 13,000 BC.

-- Ice core from Antarctica indicates record warming spike 19,000 years ago, 15 DECEMBER 2000, EurekAlert!, Contact: James White Jwhite@colorado.edu 303-492-5494 University of Colorado at Boulder

Southeast Asia 25,125 BC-13,875 BC Contents

Approximately 13,875 BC: The vast peninsula lowlands slip beneath the seas; the Asvin construct enormous floating cities above their sinking lands

By this time the peninsula is pretty much in flooded ruins, with rising seas covering most all the lowlands with at least a foot or more of water, and waves battering down many structures.

The Asvin had known this was coming for centuries. Sea levels just kept rising and rising. They erected sea walls in some places, moved entire towns in some cases to higher ground, constructed artificial hills and mounds on which to rebuild some structures. Installed high capacity pumps to constantly drain water out of certain areas. But the seas would not be denied. Slowly but surely the peninsula was drowning, and nothing could be done to stop it. By roughly 13,875 BC this was obvious to all, and the Asvin had taken to constructing floating cities and artificial floating islands to which to move people and possessions.

Even some of the most technologically advanced nations of humanity on the eve of the 21st century find it a daunting task to deal with their lands sinking beneath the seas.

-- Officials express confidence in Japan's incredible sinking airport By MARI YAMAGUCHI, Associated Press, October 18, 2000; Nando Media/Nando Times; http://www.nandotimes.com

To add insult to injury, the Rama Empire had repeatedly claimed to all who would listen that the Asvin themselves were bringing on their own eventual doom, and raising sea levels worldwide, by continued use of their dangerous technologies. As others beside the Asvin were suffering from the rising sea levels too, and the Asvin did possess enviably advanced technologies and wealth for all to see, this claim was attractive to many, and helped foster an impression that the Asvin might possess dangerous tools for which they lacked the proper wisdom to control-- and enjoy wealth they did not truly deserve.

The Asvin of course knew their technology was not to blame, and strongly suspected the true cause was the steady warming of the planet and the melting of the northern ice caps. But their scientific explanations carried little weight with anyone outside the peninsula.

The Rama also often hinted that the Asvin possessed designs for world conquest, and their trade often included subtle ways of smoothing the way for such conquest, such as making trading partners heavily dependent upon Asvin wares and services. Over time these rumors gained weight with many Asvin trading partners, as they did include truths about increasing trade dependencies. Indeed, newly emerging cultures in the Mediterranean region were especially dependent upon trade with the Asvin.

In the vicinity of Antarctica around 17,000 BC air temperature rose as much as 18 degrees Fahrenheit within a matter of decades. Global sea level suddenly rises dramatically around this time as well. This warming may be the final straw bringing the glacial period of the time to an end.

An only slightly less powerful and fast rise in temperatures occured around 13,000 BC.

-- Ice core from Antarctica indicates record warming spike 19,000 years ago, 15 DECEMBER 2000, EurekAlert!, Contact: James White Jwhite@colorado.edu 303-492-5494 University of Colorado at Boulder

The East China Sea bottom nations are drowning at this time as well, forcing massive migrations of peoples further inland.

Southeast Asia 25,125 BC-13,875 BC Contents

Approximately 13,000 BC: The Vimanas of the Ramans are now roughly equivalent to the Vailixi-A airships in capabilities-- but flamboyantly displayed about southeast asia rather than kept low profile like the Asvin craft

Though it took them 5000 years, the Ramans finally have achieved rough parity with the Asvin in terms of airships (the breakthrough may actually have come from a mix of secrets stolen from the Asvin as well as some materials breakthroughs on the part of the Ramans). The Rama craft (Vimanas) offer much the same basic flight capacities of the Vailixi-A vessels. However, unlike the Asvin, the Rama flaunt their technologies by openly flying the craft about south and east Asia. To many who to this day have never seen Asvin craft in flight, the Rama appear to have outdone the Asvin.

The Ramans go still further too, by allowing the technologies of flight to be extended down to the consumer level among their own wealthy citizens, where the Asvin never allow them to be used outside of government, military, or business circles.

There are ancient Sanskrit texts detailing the use of flying Vimanas utilizing something like beam weapons that were possibly based on reflective focusing of sunlight (Indra's Dart). Other weapons described include acoustically sensitive missiles (seekers of sound).

Instructions for the assembly of Vimanas include an emphasis on strong but low weight materials...much as instructions for a 21st century airship would sound. Some Vimanas are said to have possessed the capacity to turn invisible.

Texts from other cultures, such as the Laws of the Babylonians and the Sifrala of Chaldea also seem to corroborate some elements of the knowledge of flight claimed in the Sanskrit texts.

-- VIMANA ["http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_10/msg00039.html"], From Srinivas Prasad, prasad@nsrc.nus.sg, 20 Mar 1997, found on or about January 3, 2000, citing ANCIENT VIMANA AIRCRAFT Contributed by John Burrows

-- Ancient India ["http://www.crystalinks.com/india.html"], including the section The "Vimanas" or Flying Machines of Ancient India By Mukul Sharma - The Times of India - April 8, 1999; ANCIENT AND LOST CIVILIZATIONS; CRYSTALINKS

Southeast Asia 25,125 BC-13,875 BC Contents

13,875 BC to approximately 9,000 BC (around 4,900 years, or 196 generations): The mighty Asvin civilization slowly decines in power and wealth to near-subsistance levels

The peoples of the southeast Asian peninsula do not accept the loss of their lands to the seas, but rather look upon it as merely a temporary setback: eventually the seas must descend again, in their view. After all, hadn't the lowlands been dry for thousands of years previous? Yes. So the sea must eventually fall again. Their great wealth and splendid technologies give them confidence and hope. Their desire not to allow nature to make the Rama Empire the ultimate victor in their conflict also burns within them. These elements combine to make for a near religious dogma for the Asvin, which only strengthens with the passing decades. They will wait out the sea, then return to reclaim their homes once again. In the meantime, they devote themselves to becoming submarine experts in order to perform long-term salvage operations on their sunken homeland, constructing floating artificial islands upon which they may live over various portions of the sunken lowlands, and temporary support installations on the shrinking coastlines of the still dry peninsula highlands. The Asvin are loathe to relocate permanently to the highlands for several reasons, including the indigenous primitive populations there, the still rising waters in the vicinity, the Asvin's own sharply dminished wealth and manpower, and the continuing military threat from Rama.

As the centuries pass, the long term separation from their lands (as well as their stubborn refusal to accept the inevitable, and often impractical means of dealing with the disaster) severely weakens the Asvin. Many of their airships have by necessity become inseparable from the floating platform structures, and the constant struggle to protect and repair the artificial islands from the regular battering by tsunami and sea storms is finally becoming too much to bear. Also, it is becoming increasingly less cost-effective to continue the perpetual salvage operations on their undersea homelands as the intervening waters have deepened over the millennia.

Even the original enormous wealth and technologies of the Asvin, relentlessly sapped by the ongoing pseudo-civil war with the Rama, then cut by more than 80% by the drowning of the peninsula lowlands, and finally drained almost completely away by a calamitous long term decline in local Asvin populations, and the burden of on-going undersea salvage operations and protection of the floating cities from the elements, is finally reaching the point of irretrievable collapse. The Rama Empire might just win after all, with nature's help.

All the above is the mainstream Asvin perspective; the elite secret society hoarding the Vailixi-K craft see things differently.

Southeast Asia 25,125 BC-13,875 BC Contents

Approximately 9,500 BC- 9,000 BC: The final act: The inexorable rise in sea levels over generations finally convince the remaining desperate and impoverished Asvin to abandon their homeland; the secret society exploits the public resignation to carry out their master plan; among other things, the Asvin now use nuclear weapons to destroy the Rama Empire and its allies

Sometime around 9000 BC is said to have marked a catastrophic war between the Rama Empire and the Asvin, where one weapon in particular sounds amazingly like a nuclear bomb, complete with horrific blast, fallout effects, and mushroom cloud.

Ancient Sanskrit texts offer tales of three cities somehow related to the Andhakas and Vrishis, said to suffer annihilation by a single projectile weapon which sounds surprisingly like a nuclear bomb (Iron Thunderbolt). Accurate descriptions of victims suffering radiation poisoning in the aftermath of the weapon's use are also found in the source.

-- VIMANA ["http://www.dvaita.org/list/list_10/msg00039.html"], From Srinivas Prasad, prasad@nsrc.nus.sg, 20 Mar 1997, found on or about January 3, 2000, citing ANCIENT VIMANA AIRCRAFT Contributed by John Burrows

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Of course, if the Asvin possessed nuclear weapons, that would indicate they enjoyed at least some fields of technological knowledge roughly equivalent to 1945 AD USAmerica. The calculations involved may also hint at computers of some sort. END NOTE.

Could it be that the Rama Empire was destroyed by nuclear weapons roughly about 9000 BC, and then their destroyers abandoned their own last hopes of recovering their homelands from the sea after that? And 10,000 plus years of nature and people reshaping the land have worn away all obvious signs of the Rama Empire, while clues to their enemy still lie unknown on the ocean floor?

Despite the fact they have impoverished themselves over the millennia with their naive efforts, and are powerless to force the sea to return their lands to them, there remains one thing the Asvin can do: make sure the Rama Empire doesn't emerge as a victor over them, even if only by an accident of nature.

The secret society makes their move when they are sure the Asvin public has finally given up all hope of saving themselves and their lands. The secret society has to move fast, but cautiously, as they are sure that the Kerguelen are monitoring their actions in various ways.

The society's most charismatic members begin spreading word among the populace that a way has been found to save their civilization and defeat their enemies. The society uses knowledge and small bits of technology gleaned from the Vailixi-K craft to add weight to their words, and generate support. They also divulge just enough about the real situation (including the Kerguelen threat) to inspire the necessary fervor in the people, but retain sufficient vagueness in what they say so that Kerguelen spies will have no damning details by which to bring about an ultimate judgement.

Soon they are enjoying massive public support, and gain effective control of the government. A massive mobilization of the entire Asvin civilization gets underway, to fulfill a plan literally millennia in the making (in certain elements, anyway). The sheer determination and level of effort expended by the people is comparable to that USAmerica will display after Pearl Harbor to win World War II. An astonishing amount is accomplished in only a few years. The speed of the Asvin state's transformation catches all outside observers, including the Kerguelen, unawares.

When the Asvin homeland itself drowns in a manner strikingly similar to that of the Kerguelen (though much more rapidly), the Kerguelen fleet is struck with sympathy for the civilization. And reminded of the instability of the Earth for which the elite forced their ascent into space in ages past.

But the nuclear weapons employed by the Asvin in their last days against their enemies stuns the fleet Kerguelen, as well as the Kerguelen elite once they hear of it.

From their briefings by the Kerguelen mutineer society descendents, the Asvin know that their use of nuclear weapons could bring the full scrutiny and possible wrath of the Kerguelen down upon their heads. However, the Asvin (led by the secret society) have timed their moves carefully to coincide with big changes made necessary in their lives by other factors-- such as the final decision to abandon their homelands.

As the Kerguelen begin debate on what to do with ape-men now in possession of nuclear weapons, the fleet Kerguelen suffer surprise hit-and-run attacks in the vicinity of Earth orbit and the Moon, within only days of the nuclear strikes on Earth. The attacking vessels appear to be the missing Kerguelen fleet craft from millennia past. The fleet suffers minimal damage and casualties, but the effect on morale is enormous. The effect on the Kerguelen elite is even greater.

The ancient writings of India seem to include references to both aircraft and spacecraft in use during prehistoric times, some by a nation called the Rama Empire.

But there was apparently another group of the time in possession of aircraft similar in at least some capacities to the first. An enemy.

"Asvin" was one term for them. The Asvin airships or other technologies may have been somewhat superior to the Rama vessels. Raman accounts accuse the Asvin of attempting to conquer or dominate other nations with their technology. The Asvin civilization may have been older than the Rama, too. The Asvin craft were usually cigar-shaped, (though other shapes were also used) and boasted the capacities to travel undersea as well as the atmosphere, and even into space. Some suggest the Asvin vessels were first built around 18,000 BC.

A journey to the Moon, and battle fought there with enemy craft, are also described.

-- Ancient India ["http://www.crystalinks.com/india.html"], including the section The "Vimanas" or Flying Machines of Ancient India By Mukul Sharma - The Times of India - April 8, 1999; ANCIENT AND LOST CIVILIZATIONS; CRYSTALINKS

A few factors which help mightily to insure the element of surprise in the Asvin's strike at the Kerguelen are the Kerguelen's confidence that none of the ape-men of Earth are sufficiently aware of their existence to consider the Kerguelen in their plans, and even if they were, they are millennia away from posing a real threat technologically. The renegade spacecraft have been lost and/or lying low for thousands of years; many Kerguelen expected the craft to be unusable due to inadequate maintenance, and the long ago deaths of all the vessels' trained crew members. Other items include the regular detection by the Kerguelen fleet of natural bodies moving about the Earth and Moon in space, with many impacting the larger bodies or exploding in the Earth's atmosphere with force comparable to that of nuclear weapons.

From the prehistoric past through the present: It may be the Earth is being pelted by as many as roughly 30 cosmically spawned impacts a year with explosive yields of one kiloton or more

Some of the blasts may be as large as 500 kilotons.

This is based on a near 20 year meteoroid sampling performed by USA military surveillance satellites.

-- TARGET EARTH From Science Frontiers Digest of Scientific Anomalies ["http://www.knowledge.co.uk/frontiers/"] #92, MAR-APR 1994 by William R. Corliss, citing J. Kelly Beatty; "'Secret' Impacts Revealed," Sky and Telescope, 87:26, February 1994. Credit to P. Huyghe, and William J. Broad; "Meteoroids Hit Atmosphere in Atomic-Size Blasts," New York Times, January 25, 1994. Credit to J. Covey

Most of these objects (and their shock waves) apparently never reach the ground, remaining for the most part in the high atmosphere. Of those which explode at lower attitudes or actually impact the Earth, many take place in the vicinity of deserted ocean or wilderness, so there are few if any witnesses or damage anyone would care about (of course, sea-based events can spawn tsunamis, which themselves might do grievous harm). However, if one of these events took place sufficiently near a major city of a major power at a sensitive time, it could trigger a catastrophic war on Earth.

Indeed, on 2-1-94 it appears a large cosmic explosion over the Pacific alerted the USA military to such an extent that the American President was awakened in case the explosion was perpetrated by a hostile power.

-- HUGE FIREBALL EXPLOSION IN 1994 From Science Frontiers Digest of Scientific Anomalies ["http://www.knowledge.co.uk/frontiers/"] #102 Nov-Dec 1995 by William R. Corliss, citing a review of the book Rogue Asteroids and Doomsday Comets by D. Steel (the review written by C. Keay).

Amidst this chaos and confusion, and before the Kerguelen debate can even end, the Asvin succeed in disappearing from the face of the Earth. Their floating cities and artificial islands are all gone (dismantled, moved, and/or sunk rapidly, due to lengthy preparations beforehand). Their fellow ape-men are searching for them. But they are nowhere to be found.

The Asvin make sure to destroy all significant portions of the Rama Empire that are known to them. Prior to destroying the Ramans, the Asvin spent several years dismantling or moving various portions of their floating cities, under the guise of performing a major renovation. Once they had salvaged all they thought they could, they replaced the air in the enormous floating platforms on which the city-state now sat with explosive gases. Then, at the properly appointed moment, they ignited the gases, which produced a dazzling explosion and fire which rivaled the nuclear conflagration unleashed upon the Ramans shortly before. In only hours there was practically nothing left of the Asvin's once magnificient cities on the sea.

In 1926 James Churchward published the book The Lost Continent of Mu. It made the bold claim that an advanced prehistoric human civilization had existed in southeast asia, but eventually succumbed to earthquakes and a fiery inundation.

One of the civilization's problems had reportedly been that their cities sat upon grounds riddled with caverns filled with gas, which eventually exploded in a single vast catastrophe.

-- Book takes controversial look at lost continent ["http://augustachronicle.com/stories/092400/fea_124-5545.shtml"] By Randall Floyd, the Augusta Chronicle. A date stamp of Sep. 23 is given with no year

The Asvin destroyed their surface constructions because they could no longer afford to hold onto the dream of waiting out the sea. But leaving their floating cities abandoned would leave their sunken homeland's location revealed to all, and stripped of any protection whatsoever-- since the Asvin themselves cannot remain. It would also possibly allow others (even barbarians!) to take roost in the abandoned floating complexes, until the sea took them with storm and tsunami. The Asvin could not stomach such a possibility.

The Asvin are also resolved to give up their very identities. Partly this is necessary due to the need to disperse among the more primitive peoples about the world (for the Asvin are painfully aware that they are now too few to make a civilization of their own; plus, any who learn of the Asvin's purposeful destruction of world trade and the Rama Empire might seek revenge against known Asvin). Knowledge of the Asvin is widespread due to their long time trade practices with all the world. However, now the Asvin will disappear, at roughly the same time as their enemies the Rama Empire and its allies, and perhaps many will believe each destroyed the other. Trading ships arriving from all corners of the Earth will find only open water where for millennia before floated the fabulous artificial islands/cities of the Asvin. And before that, existed the dry lowlands of the peninsula. Of course, most barbarian races had already forgotten the lowlands ever existed at all.

Naturally, this radical change in long-time Asvin doctrine and practices breaks all their previous trade ties and others, as well as results in the almost immediate disappearence of their substantial artificial islands and other structures once marking the locations of their sunken homeland. To all the lesser beings of the world, it seems the Asvin have been catastrophically swallowed up by the sea, and/or earthly upheaval, similar to a great volcanic eruption. And, in a sense, they have been.

This sudden, unexpected and massive disruption in world trade, as well as the virtually overnight disappearence of the world's two greatest superpowers, did not go unnoticed by the rest of the world's fledgling civilizations.

Was there trans-Atlantic trade (possibly secretive and/or rare) involving cocaine and tobacco taking place between Africa and South America around 9000 BC? Was it only a coincidence that Plato will later speak of Atlantis existing prior to this time?

-- "So where in the world is Atlantis?" By Aisling Irwin, International News, Electronic Telegraph, Telegraph Group Limited, 30 December 1997, Issue 949

In 1926 James Churchward published the book The Lost Continent of Mu. It made the bold claim that an advanced prehistoric human civilization had existed in southeast asia, but eventually succumbed to earthquakes and a fiery inundation. Churchward claimed to have learned about the matter from an elderly Hindu priest at an Indian monastery in the late 1800s.

Both before and after the disaster, the people of Mu had supposedly traveled widely about the Earth, mingling with other peoples and colonizing other lands.

-- Book takes controversial look at lost continent ["http://augustachronicle.com/stories/092400/fea_124-5545.shtml"] By Randall Floyd, the Augusta Chronicle. A date stamp of Sep. 23 is given with no year

The sudden catastrophic disruption in world trade between the eastern powers of Rama and Asvin, and the new civilizations of the Mediterranean soon causes economic collapse in various Mediterranean cultures. Due to millennia of continuous propaganda from the Raman Empire (plus some elements of truth which gradually ooze out of the disasters in the east), the Asvin are blamed for the resulting economic chaos and hardship, and many of the people of the Mediterranean change the allegiance of their ancestors after the fact, claiming they not only were allies to the enemies of the Asvin, but actually fought in the vanguard against them.

-- Emilio Spedicato, University of Bergamo, Italy WAS ATLANTIS IN HISPANIOLA? ARGUMENTS IN FAVOUR, 5-20-2000

Climate change is blamed for the collapse of at least several ancient societies during the past 10,000 years.

-- Climate change played a role in collapse of ancient societies, suggests UMass researcher; 25 JANUARY 2001; EurekAlert!

Now the Asvin disperse across the globe.

Not all the Asvin follow the same game plan. Though most travel to various regions of the globe to quietly join native populations and attempt to perhaps incrementally advance the knowledge and practices among them, a few still cling to grander ambitions (as well as some advanced, if deteriorating, technologies).

The ancient Aztecs of Mexico told tales of a mythical original homeland consisting of an island named Aztlan. As of 2004 historians aren't sure if the reference is to a real place or not-- and if it is, the actual location of Aztlan.

-- Search for Aztec Homeland Clouded in Myth, Politics ["http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=ourWorldNews&storyID=5481314"] By Alistair Bell; Jun 22, 2004; reuters.com

Many ancient sites worldwide appear to share the same particular sacred symbol: three hares connected via their ears.

-- Caves hold clues to the mystery of the three hares ["http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200407/s1146284.htm"]; AFP; July 3, 2004; abc.net.au

Southeast Asia 25,125 BC-13,875 BC Contents

Approximately 9,000 BC-2,600 BC: The possible treks of both the Rama and Asvin surviving airship crews and related advanced technology parties over subsequent millennia

The airships of course were highly mobile-- but for long term protection from the elements and storage they required something along the lines of hangars. There may have been only three major collections of suitable land-based hangars in the world before 9000 BC: the Rama Empire, the Asvin Empire, and the original airship construction hangars deep within China. The Raman hangars of course were destroyed by 9000 BC, and the Asvin hangars were beneath the seas. The only place left now was the secret Chinese construction hangars. It is doubtful the hangars would have offered sufficient room to house all the surviving airships of the time. Plus, if refugees of Rama managed to reach the construction hangars first the Asvin might be forced to negotiate their way back in-- if indeed there was room left to house their airships. It's unknown if the Raman were aware of the location of the hangars. But since the hangars may have existed for 9000 years by 9000 BC, and the Rama Empire may have been the second most technologically capable power on the planet for those millennia, there seems a good chance their location would be known to them. Note the Asvin would not want to nuke the last hangars even if the Rama did control them, for without hangars their own airships would not last long. It would also have been in the best interests of the Rama survivors to allow at least a few Asvin airships in, even at the expense of their own-- for if the Asvin had no hope at all of use they might destroy the hangars anyway to deny them to everyone. And the same goes for Rama vessels as well, in a reverse of the situation.

There's evidence of complex machining tasks being performed in China at least as far back as 552 BC.

-- Spiral ring reveals ancient complex machines ["http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99995103"] by Jeff Hecht; 10 June 04; newscientist.com

-- China had first complex machines ["http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/3792819.stm"]; 10 June, 2004; news.bbc.co.uk

The Vimanas airships (if they existed) may have frequented not only India but China as well.

-- AR10: Could the Ancients Fly? ["http://atlantisrising.com/issue10/ar10ancientavi.html"] by David Childress, Atlantis Rising; An Article In Issue Number 10 (Winter 97)

Once their various homeless situations had stabilized, both sides may have eagerly sought to be the first to build their own new secret airship hangars elsewhere, and then destroy the originals, with the enemy airships inside.

It is likely that both sides achieved at least part if not all of their plans, with at minimum two separate remote and hidden airship hangar complexes at least partially constructed elsewhere in the world, possibly very far away, to minimize discovery and attack by the other side's long range vessels.

Were the original construction hangars in China ever destroyed? It's unclear. Partly because there's hints that at least a small faction of either Ramans or Asvin remained hidden for millennia somewhere in China, to possibly emerge around 5000 BC to 2,600 BC. If their secret base was not the original construction complex, why was it so near (in airship terms) to the original site? Perhaps there were good reasons for such factions to move no further than a few hundred to a thousand miles from the original base.

It may be that hidden deep in prehistoric records of some kind are clues to these efforts-- for considerable local manpower may have been required for the job.

Other outposts of the two factions also likely existed-- smaller outposts with little or no facilities for the airships, but instead meant for other purposes. Perhaps as stores of technology spirited away from Rama before the end, or salvaged after the apocalypse-- or devices from Asvin rescued by airship and sea vessel before the waves took everything else away.

It's difficult to say which side possibly saved more of their own resources during this time, but recall the Asvin technology is said to have been superior to the Raman. And as the Rama Empire was destroyed in possibly a surprise nuclear attack, there likely remains much more surviving Asvin technology than Raman, about the world.

Another possible complexity here is that in the aftermath of the twin collapses of civilization, some of the surviving warring parties may have re-united, while others did not.

Based on some ancient myths, it may be the Asvin possessed workable cryogenics or stasis facilities. This could have allowed some of their number to essentially sleep their way through centuries to occasionally awaken to take their airships out and see how the world had progressed.

It could be both the Ramans and Asvin after the war/sinking were essentially stranded. That is, with their respective civilizations no longer available to support the airships and other advanced technologies, sooner or later it would all fail and be irreparable. Oh sure, with care their devices might last centuries, or even millennia, so long as their supply of spare parts held out and the knowledge to maintain the vessels was not lost. But sooner or later, despite their best efforts, they would be reduced to the same technological levels as the savages which overran all the world but the Empires.

Without a critical mass of their own educated and suitably equipped citizenry there was no way to develop and maintain the required level and size of civilization on their own-- though surely some groups tried. One option likely explored would be an effort to increase manpower via the mass technological enslavement of the savages, similar to what the predecessors of the Asvin had done on their own citizenry and others long ago. But it doesn't appear that this worked well enough to build a new civilization from scratch. Very likely their salvaged resources did not include all the proper equipment or knowledge to perform the operations successfully. Or it could be that a certain minimal number of non-enslaved minds may be necessary for something like the rebuilding of a civilization.

No, it seems all they could do was wait and watch-- and maybe, if an opportunity was seen, seize the moment and try to accelerate the development of a new civilization among the savages. In the meantime, they themselves would spend much time sleeping (where stasis resources were available), or living, raising, and training replacement generations for themselves (where stasis was lacking).

Both sides may have been forced to supplement themselves in a cyborg fashion sooner or later, improvising upon whatever remained of their salvaged technology stores, or perhaps even inventing a few new ones along the way.

The Asvin likely had the advantage over the Ramans in terms of cyborg/robot technologies, as well as cryogenics. They may even have possessed a handul of airships significantly more advanced over the majority. Aircraft of supersonic capabilities, in addition to space worthiness, perhaps. But their rarity and difficulty to maintain and resupply would have made these vessels too valuable to unnecessarily reveal to others, or expose to potential damage in anything but the most vital of missions. Therefore, they were likely not allowed out of their hangars until such a time as it appeared the savages might be ready to be civilized by 'gods from the sky'.

Of course, it could be the high tech refugees finally grew tired of waiting, or else the desperation of their failing technologies forced them to act when they did. Or perhaps they witnessed some unexpected find of Raman/Asvin technology by the savages themselves threatening to topple their own carefully laid plans, and felt compelled to prevent it. Maybe they learned that the other major faction (their long-time enemies) had finally succumbed to barbarism, or lost all their own technologies, or died off-- and no one else remained on Earth with the knowledge and power to prove they were not gods. And there was no one left with the power to successfully oppose them.

Southeast Asia 25,125 BC-13,875 BC Contents

7,500+ BC: A "Harrapan-type civilisation" appears to exist along a river in India now; it will disappear under the sea in centuries to come

At the time of the initial discovery it was unclear if the civilization's drowning was caused solely by rising sea levels or earthquakes or both.

The civilization in 7500 BC lives on dry land which someday will be known as the bottom of the Gulf of Cambay.

-- 7500 BC lost river civilisation discovered off India's coast - The Times of India ["http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow.asp?art_id=1732931780"]; INDIATIMES; Times Internet Limited; both JANUARY 17, 2002 and JANUARY 16, 2002 dates appear on the article page

-- City older than Mohenjodaro unearthed - The Times of India ["http://www.timesofindia.com/Articleshow.asp?art_id=2140338028"]; INDIATIMES; Times Group Sites; Times Internet Limited; REUTERS; both JANUARY 18, 2002 and JANUARY 16, 2002 dates appear on the article page

Southeast Asia 25,125 BC-13,875 BC Contents

Approximately 5,500 BC: Global sea levels rather abruptly rise several meters, then decline again

Sea level rises spurred by the meltdown of the Ice Age sometimes occurred rather suddenly, surely making for catastrophic ends to some prehistoric peoples and their coastal settlements. Perhaps the final such sudden rise was of several meters around 5500 BC, followed by a subsidence in levels afterwards to that approximating 2000 AD.

-- An Atlantis in the Indian Ocean (Review of Stephen Oppenheimer: Eden in the East, 1998/1999) by Koenraad Elst; Sword of Truth, Issue# 1999.47, November 20th, 1999; found on about 11-28-2000

Southeast Asia 25,125 BC-13,875 BC Contents

Approximately 5,000 BC- 2,597 BC: China: Huang Di helps establish Chinese civilization and saves all humanity from an age-old evil

[Caution: Speculation ahead]

SUMMARY: Some of the outlawed Asvin technology from the war for the peninsula thousands of years past looks to have survived and been found by both human peasants and non-human beings (Yeti perhaps) near the start of this period.

At least one of the artifacts may be a still active OM vat. Exposure to its contents amplifies the intellectual capacities and ambitions of a peasant boy-- as well as a group of Yeti (these particular Yeti had been exposed for far longer than the boy to vapors from the vat-- over generations, in fact-- but at a much lower dosage). The boy schemes to collect the most important of the ancient relics for himself.

One side effect of the boy's new abilities and interests is a mini-boom in innovation in his village, as he teaches others how to use some of the items, and encourages them to invent wholly new things on their own as well.

-- There's evidence of complex machining tasks being performed in China at least as far back as 552 BC.

-- Spiral ring reveals ancient complex machines ["http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99995103"] by Jeff Hecht; 10 June 04; newscientist.com

-- China had first complex machines ["http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/3792819.stm"]; 10 June, 2004; news.bbc.co.uk

In adulthood the boy becomes known as Huang Di, and contributes much to the technological advancement of his people. He also appears to obtain an actual Vailixi-K somewhere along the way-- one of the original Kerguelen mutineer spacecraft stolen millennia earlier. Huang Di uses the spacecraft to his advantage, including onboard stasis equipment and other devices which substantially lengthen his lifespan.

The OM vat-boosted Yeti from Huang Di's childhood prove to be a recurring thorn in his side all of his life. The cyber-Yeti repeatedly interfere with and stymie Di's efforts to accelerate the technological and social progress of his people. One reason they can do this is that the cyber-Yeti too managed to acquire or develop significant items of forbidden Asvin technology along the way.

The cyber-Yeti are slaved to the OM vat, which apparently was one of the most horrific of the military AIs ever developed by the Asvin's predecessors. In Di's last and most courageous act, he pilots his Vailixi-K in the open, fighting off attacks from the fleet Kerguelen all along the way, to stop the triggering of a biological Doomsday weapon by the vat and cyber-Yeti which would enslave all humanity to the vat, in a way similar to how the Yeti are already enslaved.

Though Huang Di is well remembered in Chinese legends for his previous deeds, this last and greatest act goes unseen and unknown by any but the fleet Kerguelen, who also act as Di's executioners after he manages to prevent the calamity stalking mankind. Both Di and his spacecraft are completely destroyed by the Kerguelen. As many as nine Kerguelen warcraft may have been involved in the murder of Huang Di.

But they don't manage to kill Huang Di until after he has destroyed the OM vat, and nullified its cyber-Yeti. Unfortunately, this latest threat to humanity will not be the last from the awful technologies loosed by the frenzied predecessors of the Asvin during their civil war.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm sure Huang Di had help onboard his craft and possibly elsewhere, as he seems to have been a beloved ruler of his time, with many (and talented) friends. His incredible exploits in the face of determined and vastly superior Kerguelen opposition, with what almost certainly was an incomplete knowledge of his own craft and woefully lean stores of power reserves and replacement parts due to the millennia of unavailability of fresh Kerguelen resources, pretty much prohibits the possibility that he was acting alone in his last hours. We might never learn the identity of these mystery companions or allies. But they were almost certainly from among his closest and most trusted friends, family, or servants. END NOTE.

As is normal procedure for the Kerguelen during this time, they strive mightily to destroy any and all traces of advanced technologies in the wreckage which might later aid human scavengers in detecting their existence, or developing their own technologies based on info gleaned from such items. After all, lost or unaccounted for technologies have caused the Kerguelen all manner of annoyances in past millennia. Whatever cannot be conveniently destroyed is tracked down and collected from the ground via advanced scanning means. END SUMMARY.

-- Mysteries of the Yellow Emperor ["http://www.parascope.com/articles/1297/huangti.htm"] by Paul Stonehill, China Paranormal Research Center, pshill@idt.net (found via the http://www.parascope.com/ site); found on or about 12-6-99

Discoveries near the village Sanxingdui in the western Sichuan province of China continue to "...baffle archeologists to this day...".

Chinese archeology circa 2001 AD is being overwhelmed with new finds faster than they can catalog and study them.

The artifacts of Sanxingdui suggest that a robust yet unknown civilization flourished there, and somehow from its remote location maintained strong contacts with other far away sites in China at the time. They are also among the strangest and most intriguing ancient objects ever found in China. Inhumanly large and somewhat mishapen bronze heads, apparently part animal and part human, form the heart of the find. Black eyes, large jaws, prominent brow line, and long hair formed into one braid are among their features. Some possess masks of gold foil. One head was attached to a wooden body wearing silk and a feather collar or head dress.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: At least from my own perspective, these heads suggest representations of Huang Di's nemesis the cyber-Yeti. END NOTE.

-- In China, strange bronze heads rewrite history By Diedtra Henderson, Globe Correspondent, Boston Globe Online; 3/20/2001; Boston Globe, page 1, 3/20/2001; Globe Newspaper Company

A mysterious and startlingly advanced culture seems to have existed in Sanxingdui (of southwest China) around 3000 BC or later. It seems to have just suddenly appeared from nowhere and then dissappeared again at some point, for no apparent reasons.

-- Unmasking Sanxingdui Ruins ["http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2004-05/07/content_1454860.htm"]; www.chinaview.cn 2004-05-07; news.xinhuanet.com

-- Huang Di, the Emperor ["http://www.sh.com/culture/legend/huangdi.htm"]

Chinese legends of Huang Di's death speak of him and his surroundings being struck down by nine dragons. The top of Yintai Mountain may have been the focal point of the event. The town of Huangling in northwestern China seems to have been destroyed as well in the event. Somewhat "complicated" fragments of meteorite dated to within centuries of Huang Di's death have been found at the scene.

-- Meteorite may confirm legend ["http://www1.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2002-04-09/64766.html"] (MA LIE) 04/09/2002; chinadaily.com.cn; XI'AN

Some sources place Huang Di's reign between 2,697 BC and 2,597 NC. Huang Di was supposedly 110 years old when a "dragon" took him away. Fragments of a meteorite from around 3000 BC have been found in the area where Huang Di died or disappeared.

-- Meteor May Solve How Mythic Emperor Died ["http://news.excite.com/article/id/225957%7Coddlyenough%7C04-09-2002::08:04%7Creuters.html"]; April 9, 2002; Reuters

More details coming later...

Southeast Asia 25,125 BC-13,875 BC Contents

5,000 BC-1,700 BC: The Indus valley may host descendents of the Rama Empire

-- Excavations reveal 7,000 year-old Harappan sites ["http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=story_20-1-2004_pg7_29"]; dailytimes.com.pk; accessible online 4-15-04

The Indus valley civilization (2,500 BC-1,700 BC), including the cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Dara, boasts such advances as multi-level housing and indoor plumbing throughout the communities.

-- Milestones in Technology, February 26, 1999, The Knoxville News-Sentinel ["http://www.knoxnews.com/"]

Some believe that Mohenjodaro was once one of the mythical "Seven Rishi Cities"-- or otherwise related to same. Though these cities form the core of an empire for some 500 years, repeated devastation via flooding and a final armed invasion finally do them in.

-- "The Bronze Age Manhattan", pages 64, 65, Feats and Wisdom of the Ancients, Library of Curious and Unusual Facts, Time-Life Books, 1990

Much of the technology and practices of the Indus valley civilization disappear from the region for centuries afterwards, forcing their rediscovery/re-invention at a later time.

-- HISTORY OF TOILETS ["http://www.sulabhtoiletmuseum.org/pg02.htm"], The paper presented by Dr. Bindeswar Pathak, Ph.D., D.Litt., Founder, Sulabh Movement at International Symposium on Public Toilets held in Hong Kong on May 25-27, 1995

Southeast Asia 25,125 BC-13,875 BC Contents

Approximately 9,500 BC(?)- 1,300 AD(?): The megaliths of Lore Lindu in Indonesia may be built now by a civilization which will remain unknown to human science as of 2001 AD

Sulawesi island of Indonesia hosts the Lore Lindu forest. There can be found megaliths carved out of granite ranging in size from just inches to 15 feet in height. Their purpose, age, and creators are wholly unknown. Local myths say they are ancient criminals transformed into stone. The statues appear to be remnants of some lost and unnamed ancient civilization in the region.

Roughly 30 out of 400+ statues found so far are of humanoid shape. Large, heavy lidded containers called kalambas are also present. The humanoid shaped arca menhirs and the kalambas are unique in all of Asia. The remainder of the carvings though bear some resemblance to other megaliths of Indonesia, Laos, and Cambodia, which seem to have originated with a civilization of around 1 AD. As of now however the Lore Lindu megaliths cannot be definitively connected to any known civilization.

-- Explorer's Notebook: The Riddle of Indonesia's Ancient Statues by Jennifer Hile; National Geographic Today; National Geographic Society; December 12, 2001; nationalgeographic.com

Other sources indicate a possible origination date as late as 1300 AD for such statuary (though there remains much uncertainty). And that the kalambas might have been burial jars. The artifacts appear to be made from a type of rock not native to the local vicinity. Any ancient tools which might have been used to create the artifacts have never been found.

-- Mysterious megaliths of Sulawesi ["http://thestar.com.my/lifestyle/story.asp?file=/2004/3/20/features/7524177&sec=features"] (Indonesia) by Chou K.S.; March 20, 2004; thestar.com.my

Could the kalambas described above have been at least sometimes used as OM vats? Or maybe just as ritual homage to the real OM vats which existed long before in the region? Keep in mind that OM liquids often had the consistency of soup, and in some cases could be readily and safely consumed for human nourishment by those who didn't know better.

Southeast Asia 25,125 BC-13,875 BC Contents

Approximately 327 BC-326 BC: India: Alexander the Great encounters strange flying objects in India-- an incident documented by his record-keepers

He actually traveled through the Indus valley region at one point. The strange flying objects were perceived by witnesses as "flying,fiery shields", which apparently dove repeatedly at Alexander's cavalry, understandably frightening men and horses with their actions. But nothing worse than temporary harassment occured, and Alexander was not deterred from his original goal of taking control of India.

-- ANCIENT INDIA; Chronology; http://www.crystalinks.com/; found on or about 12-11-99

Southeast Asia 25,125 BC-13,875 BC Contents

1865 AD: North America

An eye-witness claimed in mid-September 1865 that he was trapping in the mountains in the vicinity of Cadotte Pass, within one hundred miles of the Great Falls of the Upper Missouri, when he saw something resembling a fiery meteor sweep across the sky and then explode into many fragments. A few minutes after the explosion the witness was buffeted by a blast of sound and wind that seemed to shake the ground and bring on the odor of sulphur. The next day two miles from his camp he found a wide swath of leveled forest extending in a straight line through the wilderness. Plowed earth, topped hills, and trees snapped off at ground level marred the landscape. Following the trail of devastation led him to a great stone half buried in a mountain side.

The stone appeared to possess internal compartments, and marks resembling hieroglyphics could be seen in spots. Something like broken glass and stains of a dark liquid were also evident. The witness was certain the stone and its contents were shaped by some sort of intelligent beings, and that the stone was merely a part of something larger.

Others in the vicinities of Leavenworth and Galena Missouri apparently saw the object streak through the sky too. The stone seemed to have exploded in sight of Leavenworth.

Note that the account is striking in many details: virtually identical with many more modern accounts of meteor strikes and supersonic objects about the world. Only the bits relating to signs of intelligence seem extraordinary-- and even those are remarkably plausible, possibly even being explained as exotic natural phenomena. Cavities in a meteor or asteroid are certainly possible. Glassy substances can be formed from great heat (such as from atmospheric entry), and then shattered by impact forces. Strange looking shapes and markings are not necessarily un-natural in origin. Stains of dark liquid could have been made from Earth-bound items smashed by the object rather than something inside it-- but even a liquid sloshing about inside a meteoric cavity is not an impossibility. Much smaller samples of liquid have been found in other such objects, sometimes purple in color.

"Astonishing" purple crystals containing miniscule amounts of salt water have been found in freshly fallen meteorites by NASA. The water is as old or older than the Earth itself. It may be the Earth obtained much of its own water from sources such as this. The water also hints at possible "organic chemistry" occuring in such environments, in outer space.

Unfortunately, a comprehensive analysis of the contents of these crystals must await further advances in scientific instrument technology.

-- "Ancient meteorite hints at origins of Earth's water" By PETER N. SPOTTS, August 28, 1999. http://www.nandotimes.com, Nando Media/Christian Science Monitor Service

A 1998 meteor shower in Texas left behind rocks containing "...purple-tinged salt crystals..." hiding tiny amounts of water as old as the formation of the Solar System. The water itself may contain vapor samples of the solar nebula gas from which the planets formed. Salt crystals normally lack color; cosmic radiation however will darken them.

-- Found: Primordial Water By Ron Cowen, From Science News, Vol. 156, No. 18, October 30, 1999, p. 284, Science Service. http://www.sciserv.org/

During a 1979 meteor shower in Texas three warm purple jelly-like blobs were discovered in a homeowner's yard. One melted or evaporated away while two others were commandeered by NASA. An Associated Press report the next day implied the blobs were only industrial waste of some kind (but it appears from one of the citations above that NASA had begun taking such things more seriously as the years passed).

The event bears similarities to reports of pwdre ser falls documented throughout past european history, including one in 1978 in England. (pwdre ser is Welsh for star jelly).

-- PURPLE BLOBS IN TEXAS From Science Frontiers Digest of Scientific Anomalies ["http://www.knowledge.co.uk/frontiers/"] #9, Winter 1979 by William R. Corliss, citing "NASA Scientists to Prob Mystery of 2 Purple Blobs Found in Texas," Baltimore Sun, September 8, 1979

In late 1983 unidentified jelly-like blobs pelted part of North Reading Massachusetts. They smelled of oil and were white or grayish in appearance. They seemed to quickly dissappear into the pavement (melting? evaporating?). Analysis by state experts determined they were not toxic. There were no indications they fell from passing airplanes.

-- VANISHING GOO From Science Frontiers Digest of Scientific Anomalies ["http://www.knowledge.co.uk/frontiers/"] #40, JUL-AUG 1985 by William R. Corliss, citing "Vanishing Goo," Fortean Times, no. 43, p. 23, Spring 1985. Extracted from USA Today of December 22, 1983, and Hilary Belcher and Erica Swale; "Catch a Falling Star," Folklore, 95: 210, 1984

But more exotic explanations could be more tantalyzing still. An object placed in a sufficiently high Earth orbit 10,000 years or more in the past might have taken nearly that long to finally fall to Earth. The ancient Indian documents describing prehistoric civilizations equipped with flying machines also speak of spacecraft, and voyages to orbit and beyond. It is not inconceivable that one or more man-made or man-modified objects from 10,000 BC or before might fall from space in recent times. As to the original purpose or mission of such objects, well, we can only speculate. But the dark stains could be signs of the intelligent OM soup of the Asvin (liquid computers), and the glassy shards the broken remnants of its glass vat container onboard the object.

A test tube worth of crystalline purple protein (bacteriorhodopsin) produced by the salt marsh microorganism Halobacterium halobium may be able to store up to to ten Gigabytes of digital information.

-- SOMEDAY, A SEEING-EYE GERM? By Nellie Andreeva EDITED BY ELLEN LICKING, Developments to Watch, Business Week: November 9, 1998, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

As to the object's stony outside appearance, it could have been a small asteroid/meteor mined or hollowed out for its mission by Asvin astronaut engineers-- even in the early 21st century it will remain much more cost-effective to use mass already in space where possible rather than bringing it up from the surface. The strange, intelligent looking markings on the object? Asvin script, of course.

It's too bad the incredibly advanced organic soup would have likely decayed to nothing within hours of exposure to the elements, and that the original object has by now (100+ years later) been well worn and hidden by natural forces. Of course, if someone could by some miracle find it, the broken glass and markings on the object might still reveal much about its origins and makers, in the proper hands.

-- Was There a "Roswell" in 1865? by W. Ritchie Benedict, FATE Magazine; citing An Extraordinary Story A Meteoric Shower Crockery Falling from the Sky; the British Daily Whig for Kingston, Ontario, November 15, 1865, which itself was said to be based on a story from the Missouri Democrat of a date not long before; http://www.parascope.com/

Southeast Asia 25,125 BC-13,875 BC Contents

Late 1800s AD: North America

Could the UFO sightings in USAmerica in the late 1800s have been of carefully maintained Vimanas? If so, they were usually flying at speeds comparable to 20th century airships/dirigibles. They also seem to have at times entered the continental US by way of the Pacific coast (coming from the secret Chinese hangars?), or perhaps launched from somewhere in western North America (Arizona?)

Some reports of the time describe very bright searchlight-like beams, emanating from a very dark, slow moving cigar-shaped craft. Note that at this time there would have been no danger of the locals pursuing the craft, since airplanes hadn't yet been invented and balloons were rare and limited in maneuvering capacities.

-- AR10: Could the Ancients Fly? ["http://atlantisrising.com/issue10/ar10ancientavi.html"] by David Childress, Atlantis Rising; An Article In Issue Number 10 (Winter 97), and other sources

Of course, all unusual reports from this period are suspect due to various circumstances of the time.

Serialized entertainment fiction and outright hoax stories were common elements of USAmerican newspapers in the late 1800s, much as similar material may often be found in some tabloids of 2000 AD. Except the generation of hoax stories was much more common in 19th century America, coming from virtually all news organizations in the nation, and even written by respected writers, in various times and places. Private citizen hoaxers and practical jokesters would have added to the chaos and unreliability of reports. Thus, any unusual or extraordinary report or article from this period and country should perhaps be scrutinized more heavily than others.

-- The Unmuseum - UFO Crashes in the 19th Century ["http://www.unmuseum.org/crash19.htm"], Hoax Journalism ["http://www.unmuseum.org/jourhoax.htm"], The Mystery Airship of 1896 ["http://www.unmuseum.org/airship.htm"] by Lee Krystek, 1996

Southeast Asia 25,125 BC-13,875 BC Contents

"I never knew of any instance where it was proven that any sort of vehicle had come from outer space to our country and either lived here or left"

-- Former Democratic US President Jimmy Carter; 1,996

Note that as a US President Carter may have had access to much more in the way of 'UFO'-related government knowledge than most other Americans of the time. Carter was also known for his truthfulness and forthrightness. He seemed to truly care about the fate of the average US citizen as well, both while in office and after leaving it. In light of all this his choice of words in the quote above is most interesting. He seems to heavily qualify his statement in many ways.

Note that any aircraft or spacecraft, new or old, from either Asvin or Kerguelen sources, would not have originated from outside our solar system (or by non-native terran means), and thus would pose no threat to the veracity of Carter's statement if someday revealed.

Relating to a desperate search to locate a downed US aircraft possibly incorporating sensitive technologies or intelligence elements (for which all coventional search measures had failed), Carter had this to say about a psychic brought in by the CIA to locate the craft:

"I have to say that without my knowledge, the head of the CIA asked her to come in...she went into a trance. And while she was in the trance, she gave some latitude and longitude figures. We focused our satellite cameras on that point and the plane was there."

-- Former US President Jimmy Carter, 1996

-- Former President Carter Details Psychic Encounter; ParaScope, Inc., found on or about 3-30-2000

Southeast Asia 25,125 BC-13,875 BC Contents

2000 AD: Earth

The French military has published a report ("UFOs and Defense: What Should We Prepare For?") concluding that at least some unidentified flying objects might be best explained as craft of alien origins. The report admonishes the USA for its active repression of reports concerning UFO experiences among its military (Air Force Regulation 200-2 and Joint Army Navy Air Force Publication 146), as well as related disinformation campaigns.

However, not all USA government agencies are refusing to deal with UFOs in a public manner. The second edition of the Fire Officer's Guide to Disaster Control cautions readers about contact or close proximity to UFOs, as well as the various effects which they might expect from the phenomena, such as force fields and power blackouts, and effects on living organisms, such as people and animals.

-- UFO theorists gain support abroad, but repression at home ["http://www.boston.com/dailyglobe2/142/focus/UFO_theorists_gain_support_abroad_but_repression_at_home+.shtml"] By Leslie Kean, 5/21/2000, SCIENCE & SOCIETY, page E3 of the Boston Globe, 5/21/2000

Southeast Asia 25,125 BC-13,875 BC Contents

FORWARD TO APPENDIX A: The possible technologies enabling prehistoric airships

FORWARD TO APPENDIX B: Airship "anti-gravity" devices actually acoustic levitation technologies?

FORWARD TO APPENDIX C: Big Black Delta: A 21st century human version of the Vailixi airships of old?

BACK to the timeline: Page contents

All text above explicitly authored by J.R. Mooneyham copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 by J.R. Mooneyham. All rights reserved.
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